KiVa, el projecte ‘guai’ contra l’assetjament escolar

Un programa finlandès ha aconseguit pràcticament eradicar l’assetjament escolar del país. A Espanya s’inicia tímidament la seva implementació. Tot i així, des de KiVa adverteixen: “La lluita contra el’ bullying ‘ha de ser diària i constant”.

Welcome to KiVa school!
KiVa is a research-based antibullying program that has been developed in the University of Turku, Finland, with funding from the Ministry of Education and Culture. The effectiveness of KiVa has been shown in a large randomized controlled trial. In Finland, KiVa is a sought-after program: 90 % of all comprehensive schools in the country are registered KiVa schools implementing the program.

The Components of KiVa

The KiVa program involves both universal and indicated actions to prevent bullying and to tackle cases of bullying coming to attention.

The universal actions are targeted at all students in a school. They refer to efforts made to influence the group norms and to build capacity in all children to behave in constructive ways, to take responsibility for not encouraging bullying, and to support the victims.

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