Maud Vantours i les textures tridimensionals de paper

El dissenyador i artista Maud Vantours fa servir capes i capes de paper per crear dissenys i textures que es tradueixen en meravellosos conjunts, accessoris de moda i projectes editorials.

Vantours explorar una sèrie de tractaments 3D de paper, incloent, dissenys geomètrics florals i patrons espirals que podeu veure i gaudir a conrinuació. Els resultats són per enamorar-se. Color, textura, distribució, composició… cada peça ens omple els ulls de fantasia.

Maud Vantours was born in 1985 in France. Designer and artist, she lives and works in Paris. A graduate from the parisian school Duperré, Maud follows a Design training with a specialisation in textiles and materials research.

Color, material and patterns have an important place in her work, like paper, which became her favorite material. She sculpts it in 3D layer after layer, by superimposing paper and colors to create inspired patterns in volume.

Maud’s work transcending a simple material and transforming it into a work of art. Her design creations are original graphics of multicolored and dreamlike landscapes.

Her works mixing art and design showing in galleries and being active in international exhibitions. Maud has also charmed and worked with major luxury brands like Guerlain, Tag Heuer, YSL or Lancôme and large retailers. Her paper works to order begun set designs or product design prized by editors.

In 2008, she won the price « Coup de Cœur » to the Descamps competition, and First prize in the Christmas tree of designers competition organized by Intercontinental Hotel Paris. Maud works with luxury brands as well as mass market brands ; her works has been shown both in France and internationally as well as in several professional fairs like Maison&Objet.

Salut i paper!












Via IdeaFixa.


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