El projecte Gos Groc, una brillant iniciativa

Sé que el món de les mascotes o animals de companyia és un tema delicat, però crec que aquesta iniciativa té un objectiu molt positiu per a tots. En què consisteix el The Yellow Dog Project? Doncs que si anem pel carrer i trobem un gos que porta un llaç groc lligat a la corretja vol dir que és un gos que necessita el seu espai pel motiu que sigui.

D’aquesta manera quan veiem un gos que ho porti, portem nosaltres gos o no, evitem apropar-nos més del compte. Les causes poden ser moltes: problemes de salut, entrenament, període de rehabilitació, espantadís, reactiu, excés d’efusivitat

M’agrada molt la iniciativa nascuda a Canadà i penso que petits gestos com aquests ens ajuden a fer el nostre dia a dia millor. I com diuen a Planetacan: “Si ens prenem seriosament aquesta iniciativa i posem en pràctica aquest gest tan senzill segur que ens evitem situacions complicades i fins i tot perilloses. Com més es comparteix aquesta iniciativa més útil serà.

The Yellow Dog Project is a global movement for owners of dogs that need space. It hopes to educate the public and dog owners to identify dogs needing space, promote appropriate contact of dogs and assist dog parents to identify their dog as needing space.

Yellow Dogs are dogs who need space – they are not necessarily aggressive dogs but more often are dogs who have issues of fear; pain from recent surgery; are a rescue or shelter dog who has not yet had sufficient training or mastered obedience; are in training for work or service; are in service; or other reasons specific to the dog. Here’s a list of what a yellow dog is NOT.

The Yellow Dog Project seeks to educate appropriate ways to approach or make contact with a dog with permission of a dog owner only, whether or not a dog is a “yellow dog”. They also seek to promote the use of yellow ribbons to identify yellow dogs needing extra space.

As a not for profit organization, all of the monies raised/donated are used to buy more material for ribbons, t-shirts for representatives, and posters for display.

The Yellow Dog Project encourages people to find their local positive reinforcement trainer and look for programs to help their pets. From Grisha Stewarts “Behaviour Adjustment Training” to fearfuldogs.com; Victoria Stillwell to Karen Pryor; Ian Dunbar to Dr. Sophia Yin; and beyond – The Yellow Dog Project encourages all forms of positive training to help yellow dogs.

Més informació a The Yellow Dog Project.

Salut i espai!



Via | Planetacan.


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