La bellesa a través de les dècades, la realista

La bellesa a través de les dècades, la realista, és un time-lapse que vol criticar els centenars de vídeos que mostren com ha evolucionat el concepte de bellesa femenina durant dècades i dècades. La blocaire polonesa Karolina Żebrowska ha volgut mostrar el costat més realista.

He vist infinitat de vídeos d’aquest tipus, però tots ells semblen mostrar uns estàndards de bellesa totalment estereotipats basats en la cultura popular. Jo he volgut crear un vídeo històricament més exacte. A mesura que anava documentant, m’anava adonant que les cares boniques i fashions que veiem en fotos o anuncis són només una visió idealista de la realitat. Així que aquí teniu la realitat.

To be frank, it was supposed to be just another “Beauty Through The Decades” video. I saw lots of them already, but they all have seemed to show beauty standards in a very stereotypical and pop-culture way, so I wanted to do a more historically accurate one. As I was doing some research, I became more and more aware that beautiful faces and fashion we see on the photos, ads and fashion plates are just an idealistic version of reality. So here’s to reality.

It was hard for me to make this video universal and find some papers referring to the whole Europe or even the whole world, so the numbers I used may be a little misleading. To make it clear:
– 40% of women in factories (1901) refers to Great Britain only
– one out of nine women working in domestic service refers to Russia.
If you know any other specific numbers referring to a wider cultural context I’d be more than greatful.

Salut i bellessa!



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