NELLO, un genial timbre magnètic per la bici

NELLO és una timbre magnètic de bici dissenyat per Odo Fioravanti per la casa Palomar. La seva forma senzilla i amigable recorda la forma d’una petita bola. Una petita bola que se subjecta fàcilment al manillar de la bicicleta per mitjà d’un simple suport -subministrat amb el timbre. Un cop arribat a destí, NELLO es pot treure i es pot guardar a la butxaca gràcies al seu genial disseny.

Especificacions tècniques:

Components: Nello + Base magnètica + 2 suports de goma de diferents mides
Intensitat del so: > 90 dB
Tipus de so: 3 sons diferents
Font d’alimentació: 2 piles CR2032 (incloses)
Resistent a l’aigua:

Nello is a magnetic bike bell, simply shaped as a friendly little ball.  An elastic strap easily fastened to the bike’s handlebar provides a magnetic mounting point for the bell . Once arrived at destination, Nello may be pulled off and slipped into a pocket. The ‘formal’ challenge was to create a bike bell small enough to be carried in a pocket and sturdy enough to remain fixed while riding. The result is a well designed form that facilitates an easy and engaging interaction. The bell is activated by lightly tapping the top of the sphere. Every time the bell is detached from the magnetic support, it cycles through three possible sounds. This way the user is able to choose his favorite bell ring. It’s weather resistant and reaches a 80 db loudness.

Odo Fioravanti. The “formal” challenge was to finally create a bike bell which, like its older sister Lucetta, is well designed and is small enough to be detached and carried in a pocket to keep it from being stolen. One of the sounds is also a surprising tribute to the analogue world.

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Salut i campanetes!





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