Tag Archives | Template

Més de 180 plantilles de carpetes encunyades

Uf, quin goig de troballa. Es tracta d’un Company Folders, un web al qual posen a la nostra disposició més de 180 plantilles de carpetes encunyades de manera totalment gratuïta. Podreu fer cerques per mida, forma, orientació, tipus de cantonades… i ens podem descarregar la plantilla que necessitem en format EPS. Enorme troballa i gran recurs per a tots aquells […]

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The Grid | AI Websites That Design Themselves

This is not another do-it-yourself website builder. The Grid harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to take everything you throw at it – videos, images, text, urls and more – and automatically shape them into a custom website unique to you. As your needs grow, it evolves with you, effortlessly adapting to your needs. Our algorithms […]

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Blank Slate, una àmplia biblioteca de plantilles fotogràfiques

A Comprehensive Library of Photographic Templates. Provides graphic designers and advertisers with photographic templates for the true-to-life and convincing presentation of their designs. Blank Slate provides graphic designers and advertisers with 1,000 photographic templates of everyday objects for the true-to-life and convincing presentation of their designs—from shopping bags and bottles to brochures and a variety of other […]

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