The Tentsile Tree, la tenda de campanya dels arbres

The Tentsile Tree van ser concebudes com una casa d’arbre que es pot portar a qualsevol lloc. Ofereixen una manera increïble d’experimentar l’aire lliure en l’estil, confort, sense restriccions per les condicions del terreny i amb l’augment de la separació de la humitat, els insectes…

Aprofiteu que som a divendres, que diuen que és un dia d’amor i porteu el les vostres acampades a un nou nivell. Acampeu, jugueu i exploreu!

Tents can be a real pain in the ass. Whether it’s the trouble of finding level ground, dealing with a soggy sleeping bag or staying awake all night because you just know someone (or something) is out there, camping can be stressful. Well, thanks to Tentsile, your days of sleeping on the ground are over.

Tentsile describes their tents as “portable treehouses”, and they definitely live up to the name. After anchoring the tent to a few trees, you actually climb inside through a trap door in the base, using a rope ladder to make your way up. Once you’re safely inside the tent, you can pull the rope ladder inside, leaving you safe and protected from muddy land, crawling bugs, and forest-stalking serial killers.

To snag your own, head to Tentsile’s official website (FOLLOW THIS LINK TO PURCHASE). For every tent you buy, they plant three trees for future elevated campers.

Check out some killer photos of the elevated tents in action.

Salut i experiències!







Via | Happy Parpal.


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