TYPO Labs (10 & 11 May in Berlin) és la 1ª conferència de tecnologia de fonts allotjada al cor de Kreuzberg en el Forum Factory. TYPO Labs és una branca del TYPO Berlin, dedicada als nous avenços en la creació de programari de fonts, tècniques, solucions i estàndards.

TYPO Labs – 10 & 11 May in Berlin

Welcome to the 1st TYPO Labs font technology conference, hosted in the heart of Kreuzberg at Forum Factory. TYPO Labs is an offshoot of TYPO Berlin, dedicated to the new developments in font software creation, techniques, solutions and standards.

Join our tribe of passionate font engineers, academicians, technologists and industry leaders from across the globe to learn, discuss and develop the tools and techniques that matter to you.

WARNING: This is not your event if you only want to sit and listen; this is your event if you want to discuss, learn, share and work … in workshops, seminars, courses and presentations. Tickets are limited to 200 attendees. Hurry up to join the first font innovations summit, organised by the TYPO Berlin team.


+info a: typotalks.com/labs/

Salut i typo!
