SOLOSHOT, un sistema automàtic de filmació

SoloShot és una ayudant de càmera amb un sistema automàtic de filmació que no deixa de seguir-te! SoloShot va començar com una solució a un problema. Quan les onades vénen, tothom vol estar a l’aigua. És difícil trobar algú que espera a la platja mirant una càmera durant hores, tot i que sol ser el millor angle per disparar. El que realment necessitem és un càmera especialitzada que sempre està a punt per obtenir el tipus de metratge d’alta qualitat que els professionals fan servir per entrenar o per compartir amb la resta del món.

Realment ha de ser un goig treballar amb un producte com aquest. Ja m’imagino les coses que es podrien fer al nostre sector com els time-lapse, els making of… Què? En voleu una, oi? Doncs jo sí. És la millor manera de tenir bons resultats sense haver-nos de preocupar de res més que de treballar, entrenar o el que sigui que volem fer.


SOLOSHOT is your personal cameraman that automatically keeps your camera pointed at you!

Like most rad products, SOLOSHOT began as a solution to a problem. When the waves come up, everyone wants to be in the water. It’s hard to find someone to stand on the beach pointing a camera for hours even though that’s usually the best angle to shoot from. You really need a dedicated, skilled cameraman who is always at the ready to get the kind of high quality footage that professionals use to train or share with the world.

Even though SOLOSHOT started as a way for surfers to finally get that perspective shot they craved, the product has really taken off in all kinds of communities where the participants really want that angle that previously could only be captured by a dedicated professional cameraman. It’s pretty great to see random videos of rugby and soccer and even dog training and RC flying. When you think about it, you can set up a SOLOSHOT on the sidelines and get hours of super high quality footage of your practice, EVERY practice. The impact this kind of product will have on the careers of striving action and field sports athletes is already significant and we have only just begun to scratch the surface.

I still watch footage from surf trips I took 10 years ago and, even though it’s pretty shaky, it takes me back to that moment. I can remember the drive to the beach or how the fresh local juice tasted. It makes me smile to know that will happen with way more footage for way more people. Only now the footage (and the surfing) will be much better and the smiles a whole lot bigger.

On behalf of the entire SOLOSHOT Team, we would like to extend a hearty thanks to our loyal customers. Truly revolutionary products like SOLOSHOT could not exist without trailblazing early adopters like you. As a hands on company that proudly designs and manufactures its own products in the USA, we invite you to stay tuned as we continue to push the limit of what’s possible!

Per veure més vídeos sobre les meravelles d’aquesta joguina podeu entrar a la galeria CustomerVideos i bavejar amb el que es pot aconseguir. Ah, i si us agrada us podeu comprar el pack bàsic SOLOSHOT2 – Base & Tag per només 399.00 dòlars.

+info a:

Salut i tecnologia!





Via Miguel Damaré.


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