El ‘Summer Lovin’ sense mosquits d’Aerogard

No sé si és per tenir la sang més dolça, o pel com respiro, o per la quantitat CO2 que expulso, o per l’ADN… però em piquen els mosquits més a als demés. Ara bé, després de veure aquest anunci d’Aerogard ja sé el que faré el proper estiu, anar a aquest camping amb aquesta bona gent a cantar el Summer Nights de Grease i estar ben protegit contra aquestes maleides bèsties.

Segur que la gent de Aerogard va quedar ben satisfeta amb la feina realitzada per l’agència Euro RSCG. No creieu?

Summer Lovin’, out in the bush…

Directed by Stephen Lance @ Taxi Films, this massive summer 2010 campaign for Aerogard was all about the nostalgia of Summer and the outdoors. Using the music of “Summer Nights” from the movie Grease, lyrics were re-written to reflect classic scenarios from a quintessential Australian Summer, including camping in the bush, being at the beach, and trips away at a caravan park. Using the song and original film as a cue, Steven set about shaping a mini-movie around these Aussie locations and characters, shooting on the Gold Coast, QLD.

Cutting Edge Sydney were asked to complete the post for the campaign: a 30′ TVC, 45′ director’s cut and 30′ HD Cinema release. As lead flame artist, I had 4 days and a shake/nuke army with which to replace every sky in the commercial, cleanup nasty bits of landscape, replace entire backgrounds, insert television and cinema graphics, and give an over-all summer lovin’ glow to whole commercial, all in 2k resolution.

Reckitt Benckiser was more than happy with the final result, describing it as the best looking RB commercial to come out of Australia in a very long time. Aw, shucks.

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Salut i mosquits!

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