Suposo que tothom que té un fill amb accés a smartphones o tablets s’ha fet la mateixa pregunta alguna vegada: “Quines apps li compro al meu fill?” Doncs bé, jo li vaig fer la pregunta a dos bons amics i la resposta va ser la mateixa: “Compra les de Toca Boca!”
I quanta raó tenien. Adoro les apps de Toca Boca. Sempre que puc compro alguna de nova. Sempre que puc miro a veure si alguna està d’oferta. I, sempre que puc, jugo una estona amb el meu fill.
Si voleu comprar/descarregar apps educatives i divertides per nens, no ho dubteu. Doneu una ullada als vídeos que us adjunto i veureu que són genials.
Apps for play. We design digital toys not just for kids, but with kids.
Pure Play: Open-ended fun from a kid’s perspective.
No Tricks: In-app purchases? Third-party ads? Nope.
Gender Neutral: No pink or blue aisles. Digital toys for all kids.ABOUT TOCA BOCA We’re a play studio that believes in the power of play. Play for the sake of play. Play without rules, levels or predetermined outcomes. Play that unleashes kids’ superpowers.
Our Philosophy We think playing and having fun is the best way to learn about the world. Therefore we make digital toys that help stimulate the imagination, and that you can play together with your kids. Best of all – we do it in a safe way without advertising or in-app purchases.
Our team Our team consists of experienced play designers, artists, programmers and marketers. Together we try to make digital products that kids love to play with. We started to put everything together in September of 2010, and our first products launched in March 2011. We’ve since launched 29 apps that have been downloaded over 100 million times in more than 215 countries. We have offices in San Francisco, Brooklyn and Stockholm. We’re part of The Bonnier Group, a family-owned business that includes newspapers, magazines, television, cinemas and digital media.
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Salut i apps!
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