Sembla que betevé, abans coneguda BTV, no es volia quedar enrera i ha pres la decisió de renovar-se. I de quina manera! Un canvi bestial respecte de punt de partida. Ja no entro en si m’agrada o no, de se representa o no… entro en que s’ha de ser valent per fer un canvi d’imatge tan gran.
Esperem que amb aquesta iniciativa, i el bon treball de Folch Studio, l’antiga BTV torni a ocupar un lloc important a la cartellera del nostre dia a dia televisiu.
La Mirada Imperfecta (Trans. Imperfect Look) is representing the wish to change the perception of the city by avoiding glorified landmarks and iconic elements and instead giving recognition to the distinguishing features, the reality, the normality, the beauty of the everyday life in each neighbourhood. A Barcelona not defined by the Olympics ’92, but reborn through the eyes and thoughts of our team who do not carry the luggage of that decade. Half of the team derived from different parts of the globe, which also widen our possibility to reach beyond the local sight of the city to a broader external point of view.
“This time the internal discussion about the approach was big. We had to decide whether to accept the brief as it was or to confront it, in order to make them understand that the channel had to be rethought from the core. Finally, we realised that betevé needed to be redesigned strategically through design thinking, giving more importance and effort to content rather than creating fireworks and oversizing the design.” Rafa Martínez, COO and Partner at Folch
“I feel honoured to have contributed to the way I believe the city must be perceived. It’s a political act.” Albert Folch, Founder and Creative Director at Folch
Ah, el que estaria molt bé és que la url també canvies. El redisseny és integral, no? Doncs que passi a millor vida.
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Salut i renovació!
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