Amélie Ségarra realitza un ‘pointe’ amb unes sabates amb ganivets

Amélie Ségarra em fa patir. Esgarrifants els seus crits mentre practica un pointe de ballet a sobre d’un piano de cua amb unes sabatilles que tenen com a punta unes enormes ganivets. No trobareu banda sonora ni efectes que distreguin. El so dels ganivets contra la fusta, el so dels crits d’Amélie, el so del seu cos desplaçant-se…

Una barreja de la bellesa, la frustració, el misteri, el patiment, l’esforç, el sacrifici… que fan del ballet quelcom tant meravellós. Javier Pérez és el creadors d’aquesta videoinstal·lació que us recomano veure amb tranquil·litat i ganes de gaudir.

A ballerina, whose pointe shoes are extended by a set of sharp kitchen knives, dances and twirls insistently until reaching exhaustion, fighting to maintain balance on the lid of a grand piano set on a stage. The theatre with its red velvet warm lighting, resembles an oversized music box. The camera turns around the dancer revealing the opposite side of the room: an empty and painfully bare theatre.

The ballerina appears as an eerie figure expressing effort, sacrifice and pain in her strive for perfection. Both fragile and cruel. Initially shy and hesitant, her steps become more and more emphatic, menacing and not exempt of violence, scraping and cutting into the delicate surface of the piano with her sharp pointe shoes.

Through this work, Javier Perez investigates and reflects once again upon the human condition. Using a strongly metaphorical language rich in powerful symbolism, he reveals the weaknesses that become the boundaries between seemingly irreconcilable concepts such as: beauty and cruelty, fragility and violence, culture and nature or life and death.

Salut i bellesa!









Via Bored Panda.


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