Si tens debilitat pels dònuts, has de mirar els Big Poppa Dònuts. Creat per la gent de Biggie Smalls per als seus clients, uns dònuts napoleó de doble vidre empaquetats en un tub a mida vibrant equipat amb una càpsula d’alumini. Una tàctica deliberada d’apilar un sobre l’altre s’assegura que el consumidor retiri cada rosquilla un alhora.
La veritat és que aquest producte a qualsevol lineal dels supermercats del nostre entorn destacaria una barbaritat. Vibrant, potent, divertit i… bo? A mi, l’únic que no em barrufa és el concepte que em transmet la il·lustració. M’estan dient que em tornaré així si menjo el seu producte? Grassonet, grassonet?
These days getting through the front door and onto the desk of any busy brand or marketing team can be a real battle. And so we created our very own trojan horse, disguised as three irresistible donuts. We were confident our little sugar bombs would strike straight at the heart.
Thinking outside of your average donut box we packaged three glazed donuts into a vibrant bespoke tube, stacking one on top of the other – a deliberate tactic which ensured each donut had to be removed one at a time. As our intended target(s) scoffed their way through one by one, they were presented with bespoke cardboard plates – each with a little blurb about the relevant studio offering, paired with the appropriate flavoured donut – strawberry (full fat strat), chocolate (crispy creative) and vanilla (sugar topped service).
The fictional donut character and brand name ‘Big Poppa’ was a nod to our own studio name Biggie Smalls. Our hit rate was exceptional, with very high levels of response and plenty of new work and allies created.
+info a:
Salut i donuts!
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