Us sona oi? El dissenyador italià Luca Masini és el creador d’aquestes frases per encàrrec de la revista Picame. Es tracta d’un recull de 15 frases que mostren el que no hem de dir-li mai a un fotògraf. Crec que queda prou clar el motiu, oi? Ningunejar la professió dels demés està molt lleig, i com que al meu sector també passa doncs m’agrada sol·lidaritzar-me.
After the success of “What not to say to a Graphic Designer.”
Could we not turn our thoughts also to another major category of creative people always targeted by the most outlandish requests of customers?
Well, dear photographers, this collection is dedicated to you!
In collaboration with Picame magazine, we have compiled a list of the 15 most annoying and irritating phrases that can reach the ear of a photographer, not only from the customers in this case, but also by improvised photographers, friends, relatives, boyfriends .Suggestions for other phrases are always welcome!
Salut i respecte!
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