Couleur Nouveau, un vi d’edició limitada

Vi en una llauna de pintura! Constantment reinventant-se a si mateixos i creant una perspectiva nova i fresca McCann crea un vi únic en la seva classe d’edició limitada per Beaujoiais Noveau. Aquest any, la idea era potenciar el color porpra que el vi deixa als llavis i a les dents. Crec que aquest vi de taula, tirant a normalet segons llegeixo, aconsegueix tenir quelcom especial.

“Every year for beaujolais nouveau first tasting McCann Vilnius creates limited edition wine packaging. It’s the agencies way to tell their clients and market at large that we are constantly reinventing ourselves and looking for a fresh perspective.”

“This year we tried to reimagine the function of the wine. Obviously beaujolais nouveau isn’t the best tasting wine in the world, so except making you drunk, it turns your teeth and lips purple. Perfect! So this year we sent out wine packaged in paint buckets, with typical paint label, even instructions, how many glasses bring which color on your teeth.

Limited edition packages became instant hit with huge exposure in social media.”

Salut i vi!





Via Alice in adverland.


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