No sabia que ahir, 29 d’abril, va ser el Dia Internacional de la Dansa, em vaig assabentar gràcies a les xarxes socials. Sé que arribo un dia tard, però em fa il·lusió poder compartir aquesta peça que vaig veure al perfil del gran Oriol Malet.
Es tracta de la peça d’Édouard Lock anomenada Amelia (2002). Interpretada pel ballet LA LA LA HUMAN STEPS amb música de David Lang i lletra de Lou Reed. Li haig de donar la raó al company Oriol, es tracta d’una peça de bellesa màxima. Espero que la gaudiu.
The multi-award-winning dance film Amelia (2002) explores the use of point technique using extended intertwining solos, complex partnering sequences and extreme speed to generate powerful performances with unexpected moments of tender emotion and serenity. Lock uses intricate choreography for both camera and dancers, creating amazing and constantly shifting points of view. Trademark performances, brilliant and relentless, combined with the delicate sensual lighting of André Turpin and the minimalist environment of a giant wooden box with rounded forms that seems to have no exit, create a disturbingly exquisite and moving experience. The original score, written by David Lang for violin, cello, piano and voice, combines evocative minimalism with lyrics from five of Lou Reed’s most famous works, created in the 60s for the Velvet Underground.
LaLaLa Human Steps: Andrea Boardman, Nancy Crowley, Mistaya Hemingway, Keir Knight, Chun Hong Li, Bernard Martin, Jason Shipley-Holmes, Billy Smith, Naomi Stikeman, Zofia Tujaka
Musical composition: David Lang Musicians: Alexandre Castonguay cello, Simon Claude violin, Njo Kong Kie piano & musical direction, Nadine Medawar vocalist
Salut i dansa!
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