Ara Pauline rescata a Mario al joc Donkey Kong

Quantes hores haurem passat a casa jugant al Donkey Kong amb el nostre Commodore 64. És per això que aquesta versió que ha fet Mika Mike m’ha cridat l’atenció. Li ha donat la volta al rol dels personatges, ara és la princesa Pauline la que intenta rescatar a Mario, el mític fontaner italià de Nintendo. Mika Mike explica que el motiu de fer aquest canvi és perquè la seva filla no podia triar personatge al joc original de 1981. Ole tu!

De totes maneres, el que més m’ha agradat és tornar a sentir la música que acompanya al joc, quin goig.

My three year old daughter and I play a lot of old games together. Her favorite is Donkey Kong. Two days ago, she asked me if she could play as the girl and save Mario. She’s played as Princess Toadstool in Super Mario Bros. 2 and naturally just assumed she could do the same in Donkey Kong. I told her we couldn’t in that particular Mario game, she seemed really bummed out by that. So what else am I supposed to do? Now I’m up at midnight hacking the ROM, replacing Mario with Pauline. I’m using the 2010 NES Donkey Kong ROM. I’ve redrawn Mario’s frames and I swapped the palettes in the ROM. I replaced the M at the top with a P for Pauline. Thanks to Kevin Wilson for giving me the lead on the tools and advice.

Download the DK Pauline patch! Note: You need the original ROM and XDELTA to apply it. Enjoy!

Salut i records!



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