Sembla que a Noruega estan de sort. Han redissenyant la seva moneda i, de les dues propostes finalistes, van escollir la de The Metric System pel dors i la proposta de Snøhetta, bastant més clàssica, però molt atractiva i ben cuidada, per la cara.
La proposta la podrem veure al carrer a partir del 2017. Quines ganes de poder gaudir d’una meravella com aquesta, tot i que vull veure el resultat de la “barreja”. Els píxels li donen una gràfica desconeguda i tant diferent del que estem acostumats que fa il·lusionar. Al món hi ha gent que s’arrisca, i de vegades arriscant s’obren noves vies.
Per a gustos, colors, oi? M’agrada molt més la part sense imatge, però és tant potent que m’enamora. ¿Què us semblen? ¿Us agraden? ¿Us imagineu al nostre govern amb una moneda a la que la cara del rei estiguès pixelada?
Proposal for Norway’s new banknotes.
In spring 2014, a competition was held for the design of motifs for the new banknote series. The purpose of the competition was to arrive at a proposal that can be the artistic basis of the new banknote series and communicate the theme “The Sea” in an appropriate manner. These are our proposals.The obverse sides of The Metric System’s series called “The living spaces” was selected by the Norwegian National Bank for further development. The first bills of this series will be released in 2017. Read more about the work here.
PROPOSTA GUANYADORA – The Beauty of Boundaries
Human beings settle nearby rivers, mountain chains, mountain passes, and coasts. We settle near boundaries – near the boundary between one element and the other.
The beauty of boundaries is about the transition between sea and land, where something meaningful and interesting happens. Over time the sea becomes commonplace, just as land easily becomes so. However, where sea and land meet there is life. There is life in the same way as life on earth exists between sea and air, between land and air. Where water meets earth, soft meets hard, wet meets dry, life is created.
Our long coast has created our identity, our heritage, and our industries. It has created national and international transport opportunities, as well as the creation of our welfare society. It is a vivid meeting that creates life.
The Central Bank of Norway announced on October 7 two winner proposals for the design of the new banknotes. Snøhetta’s design will be the foundation for the backsides of the notes, while The Metric System’s design will be the starting point for the fronts.
Salut i disseny!
Via Angeles Portillo.
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