L’artista holandès Sam Abbott va guanyar un concurs realitzat pels estudis 3D Print UK i CG Trader per dissenyar i crear el primer skate imprès en 3D. Com podeu veure, el resultat és sorprenent i molt atractiu. No crec que sigui gaire útil per practicar skateboard pujant i baixant baranes, escales… però és molt bonic. Espero que us agradi.
**Please note that this skateboard is an art piece and not really for actually using. It is rideable, but as I’m sure you can see workout, it’s not anywhere near the strength and pop of a good old 9 ply Canadian maple deck. This is not a comercial product and we’re not saying that we’re becoming the first company to manufacture 3D printed skateboards. That would be silly.**
www.3dprint-uk.co.uk – Sam Abbot is one skilled fella – he won our competition that we co-hosted with CGTrader last month. Sam won best the best portfolio catagory due to his plethora of awesome designs. We then had a few weeks of fun making his skateboard….. it wasn’t quite as strait forward as just a print as the board is longer than our build tray, meaning that we had to cut it into 3 sections, joining it together with some connector pins to ensure accuracy and to give it some strength over a simple butt joint. The final result….. the worlds first 3d printed twin tip skateboard.
…. is it ride-able? Yes… but I wouldn’t drop down many sets of stairs on it just yet!
Salut i 3D!
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