Avui us presentem un misteriós calendari amb truc de màgia inclòs, el Fedrigoni 2015 Calendar. Aquest disseny és l’original proposta del dissenyador Stuart Greer per al YCN Student Awards 2015, elaborat amb el nostre Good Paper Woodstock.
Cada pàgina és una targeta amb rectangles críptics, que en introduir-la al recipient cúbic ens revela la data de cada dia. Divertit, pràctic i molt cool.
Amb un projecte com aquest, donen ganes de quedar-se al mateix any per sempre. Us desitgem que el vostre 2015 sigui tan GOOD com aquest calendari.
This project is a response to the 2014 YCN Student Awards whereby the desired outcome is a 2015 calendar to promote Fedrigoni’s Woodstock range. The calendar had to be functional, genuinely useful and sustain the users interest all year round. The targeted audience is for members of the creative community both in design and elsewhere, so given that these individuals have a busy work process it can only take up a certain amount of space on the desk. In response to the brief, my ambition was to create a calendar that is innovative, simple and aesthetically pleasing. The daily view calendar works on a system where each card contains cryptic rectangles which reveal the date when placed inside a matrix of squares on the face of the cubic container. Each day the user can pull out the date just passed, move it to the back and the next date is displayed. If a certain date is significant such as Christmas or Halloween then that is displayed at the back. This added feature can work well in an open plan office.
+info: Stuart Greer
Salut i creativitat!
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