Gatorade | Messi | Don’t Go Down

Don’t Go Down és el nou espot de Messi per Gatorade. La gent diu que Lionel Messi no parla gaire. Però Messi deixa que el seu joc parli per ell, i el seu joc ens està dient a tots una cosa molt profunda sobre el futbol i la vida. Quan la vida et colpeja i et vol enderrocar, sigues fidel a tu mateix per seguir en peu.

People say Lionel Messi doesn’t talk much. But Messi lets his game do the talking, and his game is telling us all something pretty profound about football and life. While other players dive and flop, Messi stays up at all costs. He’s reminding us that never quitting and fighting through challenges leads to great things. And after having become one of the greatest players of all time, he might be on to something.

Messi’s fighting spirit is inspirational and anyone who wants to be the best can’t be stopped by people who are less talented than you literally trying to drag you down. Don’t go down. See the advert below.

Salut i actitut!


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