M’agrada la filosofia de GoldieBlox, joguines per futures inventores. Segur que no a tots els pares i ni a totes noies els hi agraden les joguines tradicionals que podem trobar a qualsevol botiga, i és per això que existeix GoldieBlox.
Presumeixen de desenvolupar joguines per a futures inventores i el concepte em sembla genial, més que genial, seriós. Per què ser princesa quan pots ser enginyera? Per què ser esposa quan pots ser arquitecta? Crec que és evident, oi? A veure si fem evolucionar aquesta societat entre tots.
Per cert, molt divertida la cançó.
We’re GoldieBlox, a toy company out to show the world that girls deserve more choices than dolls and princesses. We believe that femininity is strong and girls will build the future — literally.
Our founder, Debbie Sterling, is a Stanford engineer who decided last year that girls need more choices than the pink aisle has to offer. She developed GoldieBlox, an interactive book series + construction set starring Goldie, the kid inventor who loves to build.
This year, we wondered what we could do to showcase the amazing inventive power that girls have. So…we might have recruited three young girls and that guy who made OK Go’s famous Rube Goldberg machine to turn an average home into a massive, magical contraption.
Salut i futur!
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