Jamie McCartney vol canviar la imatge del cos femení a través de l’art

Jamie McCartney canvia la imatge del cos femení a través de l’art, o això diu ell. Crec que, després de veure i llegir el que aquest bon senyor va fer podem començar un llarg debat sobre si canvia la imatge o no. Amb de The Great Wall of Vagina, el que ens trobem és una mostra en escayola de 400 vagines de noies i senyores d’entre 18 i 76 anys.

Està clar que amb frases com  “No es vulgar, es vulvar” oPara muchas mujeres su apariencia genital es una fuente de ansiedad y yo estaba en una posición única para hacer algo al respecto” crec que ja ens podem fer a la idea sobre com és i que preten Jamie.

Al web The Great Wall of Vagina trobareu un munt de fotografies, vídeos… que documenten i mostren les escultures, procesos, opinions… que esperem ajudin, com diu Jamie, a canviar aquesta imatge.

Female genitalia have long been a source of fascination, recently of celebration but generally of confusion. Today it seems that creating images of the vagina is the sole preserve of pornographers, erotic artists and feminists. Step in British artist Jamie McCartney who has grasped the nettle to create a monumental wall sculpture all about this most intimate of places. For 400 women their privates have gone public…

Half a decade since its humble beginnings, The Great Wall of Vagina has enticed women from many different countries and all walks of life to volunteer to be cast by McCartney in an overwhelmingly positive reaction to the project.

The 9 metre long polyptych consists of four hundred plaster casts of vulvas, all of them unique, arranged into ten large panels. McCartney set out to make this project as broad and inclusive as possible. The age range of the women is from 18 to 76. Included are mothers and daughters, identical twins, transgendered men and women as well as a woman pre and post natal and another one pre and post labiaplasty.

It’s not vulgar, it’s vulva! This isn’t just sensation, it is art with a social conscience and McCartney wants people to stop, look and listen. This is about grabbing the attention, using humour and spectacle, and then educating people about what normal women really look like. Described as “the Vagina Monologues of sculpture” this piece is intended to change the lives of women, forever.

“For many women their genital appearance is a source of anxiety and I was in a unique position to do something about that.”

Vulvas and labia are as different as faces and many people, particularly women, don’t seem to know that. McCartney hopes this sculpture will help to combat the exponential rise, seen in recent years, of cosmetic labial surgeries. This new fashion for creating ‘perfect’ vaginas sets a worrying trend for future generations of women.

The Great Wall of Vagina makes for fascinating and revealing viewing which is a far cry from pornography. It is not erotic art. It is not about titillation. McCartney has pulled off an amazing trick – to deliberately make the sexual nonsexual and take you much deeper. One is able to stare without shame but in wonder and amazement at this exposé of human variety.

“It’s time our society grew up around these issues and I’m certain that art has a role to play.”

Salut i art!

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Via Susú Pétalo.


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