Janine Rewel porta la primavera a les sabates Minna Parikka

Haig de dir que una de les imatges m’ha recordat a la identitat dels companys de Cocolia, però em cau la bava amb la campanya que Janine Rewel ha dissenyat per la casa de sabates Minna Parikka. La barreja de textures, colors juntament amb el bodypaint i les corbes del cos femení fan que tinguem un resultat atractiu, hipnòtic i molt personal. M’agrada molt.

Helsinki based illustrator Janine Rewell and shoe designer Minna Parikka teamed up for an exciting spectacle combining the world of body painting with MINNA PARIKKA SS14. “Playfully illustrating ‘It’s when a woman steps into a pair that the magic really happens’ is what the project is all about,” says Janine. Indeed, the performance’s dazzling colors and sultry dancers bring Rewell’s designs to full bloom. Her geometric patters and attention to detail play splendidly on the supple curves of the female body. The photo series captures the magic moment as the models step out of the illustrations with a sexy liviness that celebrates Minna Parikka’s colorful spring collection.

Salut i texturas!







Via La Criatura Creativa.


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