Superfórmula per lluitar contra el càncer

Fantàstica iniciativa la del A.C.Camargo Cancer Center per lluitar contra el càncer. La Superfórmula segur que posa el seu granet de sorra per ajudar als més petits a lluitar i véncer al càncer. Felicitar-los per aquesta iniciativa és l’únic que es pot fer.

The first step in the fight against cancer is believing in the cure. But the chemotherapy treatment is difficult, especially for a child. To help them believe, we worked with the A.C.Camargo Cancer Center and another client of the agency, Warner Bros., to create an idea capable of changing their negative perception of the treatment:

Transform the chemotherapy into a “Superformula.”
We made covers for intravenous bags based on characters from the ‘Justice League.’ Creating, for the first time, a child-friendly version of the treatment. Co-developed with doctors, the covers are easy to sterilize and handle and meet all hospital hygiene standards. To give these covers a more powerful meaning, we started to produce a special series of cartoons and comic books in which the superheroes go through experiences similar to those of kids with cancer, and recover their strength, thanks to this “Superformula.”

An experience that went far beyond the covers by also providing a new look to the entire Children’sWard: the game room was turned into the Hall of Justice, corridors and doors were decorated in the same theme, and the exterior acquired an exclusive entrance for these little heroes.

An idea which, since it has been up and running, is helping the children in their own struggle against one of the real world’s greatest villains.

Client: Hospital A.C.Camargo Cancer Center
CCO: Ricardo John
Head of Art: Fabio Simões
Creative Director: Hernan Rebalderia & Santiago Dulce
Art Director: Guilherme Sakosigue
Copywriter: Fabio Ozorio
Account Team: Luciana Rodrigues, Yves Rodrigues
Planing: Fernand Alphen, Isabella Mulholland, Stella Pirani
Media: Aline Moda, João Dabbur, André Sanchez
Advertiser Supervisor: Irlau Machado Filho, Adriana Seixas Braga e Luciana Del Nero
Broadcast Director: Marcia Lacaze
Art Buyer: Paula Ferrari
Graphic Producer: Flavio Schaefer / Flavio Colella
Photographer: Regis Fernandez
Animation Production Company: Vetorzero
Executive Production: Eliza Flores
Director: Andre Sernaglia
C0-Director: Marcelo Fahd
Illustration: Marcelo Fahd, Felipe Kimio, Fernando Ricciopo
Animation: Fernando Ricciopo
Pos Production – Animation: Fernando Ricciopo, Marcelo Akira
Videocase Prodction Company: HungryMan
Director: Gualter Pupo
Mounting: Ricardo Mehedff
Sound Production Company: Shuffle
Videocase – Finishing: HungryMan

Salut i superfórmula!



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