Tag Archives | Cubo Rubik

Lucas Etter fa en 4’90 segons el Cubo Rubik

The official WCA Rubik’s Cube Single World record was broken on the River Hill Fall 2015 competition which was held in Clarksville, Maryland (USA) on the 21st of November 2015. Keaton Ellis broke the World Record of Collin Burns (5.25) first, with an amazing 5.09 result but since Lucas Etter beat this time at the same competition on the […]

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Els jocs dels 80 en un Stop Motion

[vimeo]http://vimeo.com/41690874[/vimeo] Vist a Ideafixa.

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Cubo Rubik per invidents

Ja no hi ha excusa, el dissenyador alemany Konstantin Datz ho ha fet possible. Cada cara té en Braille un dels mítics colors: verd, blau, vermell, groc, blanc i rosa. Jo mai ho he aconseguit, sóc un negat, xD! A Rubikejar! Vist a Gizmodo.

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