Against the “there is no alternative” claimed by the European Commission, the Eurogroup and the Troika, against the budget cuts and the loss of our rights to health, education and pensions; against the precarious work and poverty imposed upon us, Greece you are NOT ALONE, everybody is Greece.
The referendum scheduled for next Sunday, 5th of July, will not be about staying or leaving the European Union, it is not an election on the Euro currency either. The vote on that day is about choosing between market technocracy and austerity (the “yes” vote) and a democratic, social and fair European Union (the “no” vote).
Your choice affects us all. Your dignity sets an example to the rest of the EU countries. What is at stake in Greece is not the support to one government or another, but the right of one people to live with dignity and make decisions about its future. Facing this choice, Greek citizens, you must know that you are supported by the peoples of the other 28 Member States of the European Union (and beyond). #EverybodyIsGreece
+info a:
Salut i respecte!
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