Graffitis 3D que semblen surar en l’aire

Sérgio Odeith és un artista portuguès amb un talent brutal per crear sorprenents graffitis 3D que semblen surar en l’aire, graffittis que enganyen als ulls. Odeith és reconegut internacionalment per les seves incursions pioneres en el camp de l’art anamòrfic, destacant-se per les seves composicions creades en perspectiva i pintades en diferents superfícies, com ara 90º cantonades o des de la paret fins a terra, creant un efecte d’il·lusió òptica.

Odeith Started painting Graffiti in the 90s,  really fast started to gain recognition in Portugal, in his hometown Damaia ,his first experiences were sketched on street walls and train tracks and so the passion he had always shown for drawing had a newly found purpose and began evolving. Not long after, came the opportunity to paint large scale murals in Damaia, Carcavelos and in many social housing neighborhoods, such as Cova da Moura, 6 de Maio and Santa Filomena. In 2014 Odeith won one of the best murals world award by the site of urban art: I Support Street Art.

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Salut i 3D!










A video posted by ODEITH (@odeith) on


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