El dissenyador gironí Jordi Pagès ha sigut l’encarregat de realitzar els títols de crèdit del festival Sci-Fi Fest London 2013. Si no coneixeu el seu treball us recomano que visiteu el seu web perquè serà com entrar en un món paral·lel plé de projectes de motion graphics que us enamoraran i del que no podreu sortir.
SCI-FI-LONDON is an independent film festival that gets no funding from any of the arts or film councils and relies on the generosity and support of its sponsors, and the filmmakers and distributors themselves. Ultimately it is the ticket-buying public that make it a success and one of the friendliest festivals around, a view that is expressed by not only by the punters but also by the visiting filmmakers and guests.
As the Festival’s reputation for programming a variety of exciting and independent films grows year by year, its core intention remains to challenge stereotypes whilst being fun and inclusive
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