Les Superestrelles de la WWE segons James White

Aquesta col·lecció d’il·lustracions són creació de James White. Segons la seva biografia, és un artista, dissenyador i altaveu visual que viu a Dartmouth, Nova Escòcia i Canadà. Fa pòsters i tot tipus de coses interessants. Us agrada la descripció? El que us agradarà segur és la seva fascinant col·lecció d’il·lustracions anomenada WWE StarKade.

James ha recreat a més de 15 lluitadors de la antiga WWF, Pressing Catch, amb un estil molt singular. Volia buscar algun objecte divertit que en realitat no ha estat explorat pels voltors de la cultura pop. Vol plasmar el que era la lluita lliure dels anys 87 a 93. Recordeu? Jake ‘The Snake’ Roberts, The Ultimate Warrior, Randy ‘Macho Man’ Savage, Hulk Hogan, ‘The Million Dollar Man’ Ted DiBiase, André the Giant… Personalment, vaig veure uns quants combats i a l’escola sempre sortia la pregunta: “És pegeun de veritat?”. En fi… sigui com sigui la WWE StarKade em porta bons records.

If you follow me on Instagram or Facebook, over the last few days you will have noticed my latest run of illustrations focusing on the superstars of the WWE (or WWF, as it was called in my youth). I wanted to jump back into this style and was looking for some fun subject matter that hasn’t really been explored by the pop-culture vultures. Wrestlers was it.

I haven’t been into wrestling for about 2 decades now, kinda stopped watching around the early 90s. But getting into these illustrations re-opened just how INTO wrestling I was back then. From about ’87 to ’93 it ruled my life, mostly due to my childhood buddy Mike. We drew our own wrestlers, ran our own imaginary federations and watched a ton of the special WWF events. So much fun.

So here are the first illustrations of wrestlers, with many more to come. As always, your thoughts and requests are welcome. Judging by the response, I had no idea so many of you were wrestling fans.

What started as a fun little project might be growing into something more. Currently talking to a few notable people interested in doing something. More soon?

Salut i lluitadors!







Vist a Voorhaft.


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