Premier Estates Wine – Taste the Bush

Sempre un bon vi. Sempre un bon preu. I amb aquest vídeo, una nova forma de mirar el vi. Això és el que la gent de Premier Estates Wine vol comunicar amb la campanya Taste the Bush (Provi l’esbarzer).

La part “complicada” és la catalogació de sexista que se li està donant i el possible plagi que han fet d’una fotografia de Chema Madoz.

Premier Estates Wine launches its first ever advertising campaign with a cheeky wink, inviting you to #TasteTheBush. The campaign highlights the brand’s playful, tongue-in-cheek tone that’s born from classic British humour.

The advert will appear online from today and if you have recently purchased wine online, you are likely to see it pop up before you watch content on sites such as Huffington Post, Fox News and The Guardian, to name a few.

While the Australian Shiraz takes centre stage in this campaign, we have a wide range of old and new world wines sourced from across the globe. You will find our wines at independent retailers including your local corner shop or you can buy directly from our website.

Si voleu comprar-lo ho podeu fer a o visitant la seva botiga local independent (us quedarà una mica més lluny).

Salut i vi!





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