Els 25 tipus de lletra més admirades pels tipògrafs, dissenyadors de tipus i lletres

La gent de 8 Faces Magazine va generar un més que interessant llistat de les 25 tipografies favorites dels tipógrafs més renombrats, i el resultat és el que podeu veure a continuació.

Erik Spiekermann, Jessica Hische, Michael Bierut, Nina Stössinger, Mark Simonson o Seb Lester alguns dels participants d’aquest llistat.

Typographer’s typefaces

The 25 most admired typefaces by typographers, type designers and letterers.

Selecting the right typeface makes all the difference to effective design and communication. But with over 100,000 font families to pick from it can be a daunting task. There are some excellent guides on how to choose a typeface and helpful methods for pairing typefaces but in order to apply these principles it’s important to be familiar with a broad range of quality typefaces.

Wouldn’t it be great to start with a short list of typefaces, hand-picked by designers in the type industry? In each issue of 8 Faces magazine we asked eight leading designers from the fields of typography, lettering and type design itself: If you could use just eight typefaces, which would you choose?

Over four years and across eight issues we interviewed 64 world-renowned designers1, including; Erik Spiekermann, Jessica Hische, Michael Bierut, Nina Stössinger, Mark Simonson & Seb Lester, plus owners of respected type foundries such as, Font Smith, Type Together and Process Type.

We’ve counted the number of times each typeface was selected and found consensus with the top 25. The top 10 designers’ favourite fonts will be quite familiar to many but hopefully the full list will provide a useful stepping stone to exploring many more.

I a vosaltres, quina us agrada més? Coincidiu amb aquest llistat? Sigui com sigui Ara ja teniu una mica més d’ajuda alhora de començar un projecte si no sabeu quina tipografia fer servir.

Salut i tipografies!


1. Georgia – Matthew Carter, 19931-Georgia

2. Gotham – Tobias Frere-Jones, 20002-gotham

3. FF Scala – Martin Majoor, 19903-Scala

4. Futura – Paul Renner, 19274-Futura

5. Gill Sans – Eric Gill, 19265-Gill

6. Garamond – Claude Garamond, c. 1480–1561)6-Garamond

7. Caslon – William Caslon I, 17227-Caslon

8. Akzidenz Grotesk – H. Berthold, Berthold Type Foundry, 1898.8-AG

9. Alternate Gothic – Morris Fuller Benton, 19039-Alternate

10. Baskerville – John Baskerville, 175710-New-Baskerville

11. Helvetica – Max Miedinger with Eduard Hoffmann, 195710-Helvetica

12. Metro –William Addison Dwiggins, 1930.11-Metro

13. ITC Franklin Gothic – Morris Fuller Benton, 190212-FranklinG

14. Meta Serif – Erik Spiekermann, Christian Schwartz y Kris Sowersby, 200713-MetaSerif

15. Trade Gothic – Jackson Burke, 1948/196022-Trade

16. Adelle – José Scaglione and Veronika Burian, 200914-Adelle

17. Caecilia – Peter Matthias Noordzij, 1990.15-Caecilla

18. Chaparral – Carol Twombly, 200016-Chap

19. DIN – Albert-Jan Pool, 199517-DIN

20. Hoefler Text – Jonathan Hoefler, 199118-Heofler

21. Quadraat – Fred Smeijers, 1992.19-Quad

22. Sabon – Jan Tschichold, 1964.20-Sabon

23. Sentinel  – Jonathan Hoefler & Tobias Frere-Jones, 200921-Sentinel

24. Verdana – Matthew Carter, 1996.23-Verdana

25. Fedra Serif – Peter Bilak, 2003.24Fedra-

Via nicefucking.graphics


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