Una dels propers llibres que m’agradaria comprar és el The ABC of Custom Lettering d’Ivan Castro. Segons llegeixo és un llibre pràctic que comença amb les bases de la cal·ligrafia fins l’explicació de com dibuixar diferents estils de lletra pas a pas. En el llibre també es troben projectes i exercicis perquè posem en pràctica les nostres idees.
Amb aquest llibre veurem de manera simple i pas a pas com crear lletres dibuixades a mà per a usar en peces de disseny, d’il·lustració, flyers, samarretes, rètols o altres usos comercials i/o personals.
Need to produce a flyer? Want to draw up a logo for a band? Does your local speed shop need a T-shirt design? Don’t want to use the same old computer fonts? Well, let graphic designer and typography teacher Ivan Castro show you The ABC of Custom Lettering. This practical workbook features easy-to-follow, step-by-step guidance on hand drawing a range of letterforms, from Modern Roman and Gothic to Latin, Script, and Interlocked. It uses traditional instruction methods with a modern twist, and includes gallery sections for inspiration and exercises and projects that enable you to practise your technique.
About the Author
Ivan Castro is a graphic designer based in Barcelona, Spain, who specializes in calligraphy, lettering, and typography. His work involves everything from advertising to editorial, and from packaging to logo design and gig posters. Although Ivan claims to have no specific style, one could say that he has a strong respect for the history of popular culture. He has been working in the field for 15 years, and has been teaching calligraphy and lettering for 10 years in the main design schools in Barcelona. He travels frequently, holding workshops and giving lectures at design festivals and conferences.Foreword by Ken Barber
Award-winning Ken Barber is the principal letterer and typeface design director for the renowned type foundry House Industries in Yorklyn, Delaware, USA. He is a partner of Photo-Lettering, Inc., and regularly conducts lettering workshops around the world.Buy it here!
I’m Ivan Castro, a graphic designer based in Barcelona, Spain, who specializes in calligraphy, lettering, and typography. His work involves everything from advertising to editorial, and from packaging to logo design and gig posters. Although Ivan claims to have no specific style, one could say that he has a strong respect for the history of popular culture. He has been working in the field for 15 years, and has been teaching calligraphy and lettering for 10 years in the main design schools in Barcelona. He travels frequently, holding workshops and giving lectures at design festivals and conferences.
Do you want to watch me in action? If you have three minutes, you can watch this video. Did you enjoyed it? If you have another half an hour, you can watch this one.
+info a: www.ivancastro.es | www.koreropress.com
Salut i lettering!

Via paulamastra.com
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