The Pilot, un audiòfon que tradueix en temps real

Aquest dispositiu es diu The Pilot, un audiòfon que tradueix en temps real, i la companyia que l’ha creat és Waverly Labs a partir d’una idea simple però trencadora. S’espera que surti a la venda al setembre de 2016, i el seu sistema permetrà a qui el porti comprendre un idioma entre diversos a través de traducció a temps real directament a l’oïda.

No sé a vosaltres que us sembla, però a mi em barrufa molt la idea, em sembla genial. Cert que ens farà tornar més mandrosos, però d’entrada em sembla una gran notícia. Segur que viatjar serà molt més fàcil, o poder ajudar als turistes al metro de Barcelona arribar a la Sagrada Família.


At the convergence of wearable technology and machine translation, Waverly Labs is developing the world’s first smart earpiece language translator. It uses the latest technologies in speech recognition, machine translation and wearable tech to allow wearers to converse without language barriers. Where other smart earpieces in wearable technology are designed for fitness tracking or audio enhancement, we’re committed to bridging language barriers. Science fiction has called it many things, but we call it the Pilot.

Being lost in translation has happened to everyone while traveling, even us, and that’s exactly how the idea was born. Intended for the Traveller, International Professional and Digital Nomad, the Pilot includes a second earpiece for wireless music streaming and a mobile app, which toggles between languages. For us it’s a dream of a life untethered, free from language barriers.

A World Without Language Barriers
Be the first to experience a new kind of wearable technology. Reserve a place in line for our limited pre-sale.

Meet the Pilot
At the convergence of wearable technology + machine translation, the Pilot is the world’s first smart earpiece which translates between users speaking different languages.

A Life Untethered
The Pilot comes with an additional earpiece for wireless streaming music and an accompanying app, which toggles between languages.

Free from Language Barriers
Experience the world like never before. The Pilot works offline and overseas.

Made with ♥
Product Development. Electrical Engineering. Mechanical Engineering. Software Engineering. Computer Science. Machine Translation. Design. Manufacturing.


Salut i tecnologia!

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